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Corona Virus Help and Restrictions

As a New Zealand Service Business, we are following the guidelines set out by the NZ government.  We are doing the least amount of travelling or having contact with our customers in person.  However, we can help if you have an immune deficiency or are elderly and need help to get essential services such as food delivered as we understand getting deliveries are not always possible at the moment and the slots available on supermarket websites seem to be full up or difficult to obtain even with gold cards or medical conditions.


We will look at each case by case to determine if we are in a position to help, or if we have any capacity to take on any more customers.


If you have a friend or family member you think needs to talk to someone else based in Hamilton that could do with a chat or needs something actioned locally let us know and for the month of April, we will make free calls to check in on their wellbeing so people don't feel so isolated.


Once the Alert level drops in NZ, it is likely that recommendations for immune deficiency or are elderly people will be, to stay in their current bubble to reduce the risk as much as possible over the next 3 months particularly, by staying at home and not mixing with others as this virus won't disappear overnight even as the alert level goes down.


For more information, we recommend the NZ Ministry of Health site


For more information on mental health


We recommend people stay connected while isolated, have a purpose to each day, take a walk or safe exercise locally while the country is dealing with this virus to get rid of it ASAP without it being dragged out over months of restrictions.  Call or text Sue on 021992570

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